A New Sign with a QR Code May Come from Discussions on Cemetery Rules

Sep 19, 2023 - Views: 1006

Rating: 5.0 - 50Votes

During the city council meeting last week, Newton resident Joyce Heck walked up to the podium with the most recent copy of the Get to Know Newton magazine. 

She discovered a piece on cemetery regulations there that she had never seen before, despite the fact that they had been in effect for years.

Later, Heck showed the council members images of many cemetery sites that had numerous shepherd hooks and other items around.

It implied that others were exonerated while highlighting irregularities in how the laws were applied. 

Additionally, she believed that some of the regulations were ridiculous, such as the shepherd's hook's maximum height limit of 42 inches.

Cemetery rules discussion may result in a new sign with a QR code

Cemetery rules discussion may result in a new sign with a QR code

Laube, director of community services, said that if the city did create a sign with all the regulations, it would be as large as one side of the maintenance building. 

Although the cemeteries do have very basic, fundamental sets of regulations displayed, Laube said staff is looking into other solutions, such as putting a QR code.

She acknowledged that a new sign with simplified guidelines may be useful. 

For example, the sign may list the 11 regulations for flower arrangements, plants, and other ornamental objects that are listed on the municipal website. 

Further, she remarked that these are also the ones that are broken the most.

The concept of a QR code and maybe adding a new sign was well received by the council.

Read more: Kingston Police Issued A Warning About A New QR Code Fraud

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