Top Cybercrimes To Watch Out For 2023: Scan QR Code Is #1

Jan 12, 2023 - Views: 956

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Cybersecurity experts have cautioned that 2023 may mark the beginning of a new era of concerns about cyberattacks.

They are anticipated to increase significantly this year as potential challenges appear more quickly than before.

There are 5 potential cybercrimes in 2023

There are 5 potential cybercrimes in 2023

Cybersecurity Venture's estimate indicates that by 2023, the yearly cost of cybercrime could reach $8 trillion globally.

Also, figures from Security Intelligence predicted that US-based financial institutions lost up to $1.2 billion in ransomware attacks alone in 2021. 

It was an increase of about 200% over the previous year and that figure may even be an underestimation of the problem.

Global losses from cybercrime may reach $16 trillion in 2023 if that rate continues to rise at the present rate.

The increasing concern about cyberattacks in 2023

The increasing concern about cyberattacks in 2023

Accordingly, in light of the predicted spike in crime in 2023, scanning QR codes is one of the top five cyber crimes to watch out for this year.

It might expose users to harmful websites where their personal information could be downloaded or where hackers could use geolocation-enabled apps to follow their every move.

According to an FBI warning about the issue, cybercriminals alter physical and digital QR codes to replace trustworthy codes with malicious ones.

The FBI claims that the malicious software might persuade users to provide login or financial information on a bogus application or website enabling the attacker to steal money quickly.

Read our post on FBI: Criminals Are Tampering With A QR Code To Steal Money for some tips from the FBI to prevent becoming a victim.

Scanning QR codes may make you lose money

Scanning QR codes may make you lose money

The four other cybercrimes that people should be aware of in 2023 are: the continued rise in ransomware threats; hackers could target vulnerable supply chains; increased attacks on electric vehicles; and the potential for the electrical grid to serve as a new front line for cyberterrorism.

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