Do QR Codes Expire? A Full Guide on Expired QR Codes

Mar 22, 2023 - Views: 2922

Rating: 5.0 - 55Votes

Do QR codes expire? The answer can be yes or no. You should fully understand QR codes to get the correct answer to this question. 

This article is a good source of information for those who wonder if the QR code expires. 

Scroll down for details!

Do QR codes expire?

Do QR codes expire?

What is a Static QR Code?

If you don’t know what does QR mean in QR codes, it is short for “Quick Response.” 

QR codes are basically barcodes on steroids, which carry information both vertically and horizontally.

There are two main types of QR codes: Static vs Dynamic and a static QR code is a code you can't change after it's created. 

The information is embedded and fixed in the code itself, meaning that you can scan it multiple times or use it as a one-time scan for anything, such as a coupon. 

However, the scans are not tracked on the QR code generator dashboard.

Various static QR code types include SMS, Whatsapp, email, plain text, vCard, and static URL code.

Static QR codes

Static QR codes

What are Static QR Codes Used for?

This kind of QR code may be used for things that don't change. 

For instance, they are ideal for business cards, including contact information, electronic signatures, one-time coupons, and permanent information on other signage or materials.

Besides, you can use them for marketing campaigns and one-off PR events. The same applies to special-day menus and fixed-price holidays. 

The applications of static QR codes

The applications of static QR codes

Also, you can use these codes for information that should not be changed, such as those containing encrypted data like access codes, employee numbers, and other sensitive information.

What is a Dynamic QR Code?

Unlike a static QR code, a dynamic one is a QR code that encodes a short redirect URL. It is easy to be edited. 

Instead of being encoded in the QR code itself like static QR code does (except static URL codes), a dynamic QR code will redirect the information residing on the website to that website. 

Some examples of this code include Social media, dynamic URLs, PDFs, Feedback, and image.

Static vs Dynamic QR codes

Static vs Dynamic QR codes

What are Dynamic QR Codes Used for?

Barcodes for hotels, bars, and restaurants' website menus are common cases for using dynamic QR codes.

The capacity to associate a single QR code with an ever-evolving list is helpful for keeping up with the kaleidoscope of menu items, descriptions, and prices. 

Besides, with dynamic QR codes, you may track when, where, and on what device the code was scanned. The impact this can have on your marketing campaigns is immeasurable. 

By collecting information about the scanning, the QR code may display relevant information to the person scanning it. 

In addition, using QR codes on food packaging effectively starts the conversation about what drives many consumers these days: their values. 

They offer sourcing, nutrition content, social responsibility, and sustainability. 

The applications of dynamic QR codes

The applications of dynamic QR codes

More greatly, all dynamic codes give you advanced features, such as contactless ordering on mobiles and touchless payments. 

The information required for such functionality is too complex to store in static QR codes. 

Does QR Codes Expire?

How many QR Codes are there? There are many but they fall into two main categories. 

Luckily, Free QR codes, specifically static QR codes, generated online with QR code generators do not expire.

You can use any online QR code generator to create as many static QR codes as you need online, and they will be valid for life.

Static QR Code

This code will allow the data embedded in the QR code to be unchangeable and redirect the scanners to the permanent information when the user generates QR code. 

But how long are QR codes valid? Static QR codes can be scanned indefinitely and never expire.

It can only become unreadable if something physically messes with its layout and alignment as the matrix of black and white squares in this code contains hard-coded information. 

Nevertheless, it couldn't track scans or other usage indicators, thus it wouldn't know when to expire.

Static QR codes are free, but you can't track scanning activity and change the embedded data. 

Static QR codes never expire

Static QR codes never expire

Dynamic QR Codes

Are QR codes permanent when they are dynamic codes?

Dynamic QR codes may effectively expire since they can be programmed to redirect to any updated information at predetermined times. 

It means that the QR code would reroute somewhere else after a specific number of scans, periods, or end dates.

However, these codes can change the embedded content. So if you want to change the content or URL of the dynamic QR code, there is no need to print another one.

Plus, you may also track scanning activity, such as when QR codes were scanned the most and where those scanners were located.

What are QR Codes Solutions that Do Not Expire?

Below are some solutions for QR codes in case you worry if the QR code expires.

Solutions for solving the QR code expiration

Solutions for solving the QR code expiration

URL QR code

A great way to share links is with a URL QR code. This will turn the link into QR codes you can access by scanning the code with your smartphone.

Plus, you don't have to enter long links manually.

Do free QR codes expire? Both no and yes. The user may decide to generate a QR code with or without an expiration date.

Google Form QR code

This code allows you to convert Google Forms into QR codes and collect responses in one scan.

A survey of QR codes may help you improve your business by learning what your audience is saying about your service.

A Google Form QR code

A Google Form QR code

WiFi QR code

Today, as soon as we arrive at a hotel, tourist attraction, subway station, restaurant, or bus stop, we are often asked for a WiFi password to keep in touch with people worldwide.

You can use WiFi QR codes in public places to connect to your Wi-Fi network easily.

Pinterest QR code

Pinterest QR Code is an ideal QR code solution that embeds links for Pinterest boards. 

Scan this QR code with your phone for quick access to Pinterest boards.

Email QR code

Anyone who scans the QR code in your email is automatically redirected to your email address and may send your message instantly.

Facebook QR code

You can direct your followers or audience to Facebook events, groups, pages, or specific features by creating a Facebook QR code.

Facebook QR code

Facebook QR code

When creating QR codes on Facebook or anywhere else, will we run out of QR codes

Well, an expired QR code is impossible due to a total of 1,024 squares and 21,024 possible variations, equaling 10,308 with 1,080 atoms in the universe.

YouTube QR code

Instead of asking viewers to enter the video's full URL and search for it online, YouTube QR codes are a simple and quick way to view YouTube videos.

The videos you want to share with your viewers will automatically open when your viewers scan their YouTube QR code with smartphone devices.

For Youtube, does QR codes expire? The answer is no, although QR codes on Youtube are static or dynamic codes.

Instagram QR code

You may generate a code with the best Instagram QR code generator online. This allows you to create a custom color QR code for your page.

Instagram QR code

Instagram QR code

Instagram QR codes help users to share profiles and relevant posts with other users they want to reach.

Instead of scanning Instagram name tags, using Instagram QR codes will allow you to send the person you want to your profile.

Will QR codes be permanent when using them on Instagram? Maybe yes because they can be static codes. Yet, they cannot be permanent in case they are dynamic codes.

Text QR code

You can do this for free as well. 

If you want to generate text QR codes in bulk, you should upgrade to dynamic QR codes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How permanent are QR codes?

They cannot be edited once generated. Also, the data encoded in the QR code will be fixed, so they cannot be changed.

2. Do QR codes stop working?

QR codes have no lifespan. They may be scanned multiple times and never expire.

3. How many times can a QR code be scanned?

A static QR code can be scanned unlimitedly. Yet, they are not trackable and do not provide useful metrics for your marketing efforts.

Wrapping Up

Now you've learned about QR codes with useful information. You need to notice two main QR codes, including static codes that can not be changed and dynamic codes that you can edit. 

Besides, you also need to know the main features of each type. 

Lastly, note that the answer to the question, do QR codes expire?, will often be no when these codes are static codes generated by the online QR code generator.

Rating: 5.0 - 55Votes


  1. George Allen

    George Allen

    Great content as usual but can you tell me if I can still use expired QR codes?

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    1. Barcodelive

      No, you cannot use expired QR codes. You will simply get an error message if scanning them

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  2. Julie Johnson

    Julie Johnson

    I expected you will show us how to make a non-expiring QR code :)

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    1. Barcodelive

      Well, just go for a static QR code. There are lots of free online QR code generators can help you to do so

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  3. Ariah Brooks

    Ariah Brooks

    Ok, so I know that static QR code will never expire, meanwhile dynamic one can. So in case my QR code expires, what can I do?

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    1. Barcodelive

      Nice question. There are a few steps you can take:
      - Generate a new code
      - Notify your customers
      - Check the expiration date regularly

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      1. Ariah Brooks

        Ariah Brooks

        So detailed, thank you so much

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