A Candidate for Salina City Commission Connects with Voters Through QR Codes

Nov 06, 2023 - Views: 1022

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

QR codes were developed in 1994 as a means of labeling car components at a Japanese company. 

They are now utilized in modern culture as a speedy way for an optical device, such as a phone or scanner, to interpret encoded information.

This QR code on a sign is being used by incumbent City Commissioner Trent Davis, who is also seeking reelection this year, to collect data from the public that may help him understand the views of the electorate.

When a voter scans the code with a device similar to a smartphone, they direct the scanner to a URL that leads to a survey funded by the Davis campaign.

It asks them to prioritize five Salina-related concerns.

Salina City Commission candidate utilizes QR technology

Salina City Commission candidate utilizes QR technology

As a prospective member of the next commission and present commissioner, Davis stated that he is always open to hearing from those who differ from him.

"It took me some time to realize that listening is far more important than speaking," Davis remarked.

He mentioned that he enjoys hearing from people with different experiences and backgrounds since it might open his eyes to new knowledge or perspectives.

According to Davis, "everyone's opinion is valuable."

Davis stated that while he keeps an eye on events in Salina, he doesn't presume to be an expert on everything that is occurring. 

Instead, he has opinions on what matters. 

He wants to learn more about what other community members might find significant by using this QR survey.

Read more: Windows 11 Tests Wireless Access Sharing via QR Code

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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