Built-in QR Code Reader on Android Now Automatically Zoom in on Codes

Oct 26, 2023 - Views: 1253

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

A while back, Google included a built-in QR code scanner tool for Android users, and it's proven a fast and easy way to consistently scan codes. 

By enabling Android's QR code scanner to automatically zoom in on the codes it discovers, Google is now taking things a step further.

Android QR code scanner now zooms in automatically

Android QR code scanner now zooms in automatically

Android comes with a very basic built-in QR code scanner that can be accessed through Quick Settings. 

When you open it and point a QR code in its direction, the "app" will recognize it, open a clickable URL, and display a big "open" button. 

It's far less complicated than using the majority of camera applications' built-in, sometimes clunky QR code scanning feature.

Now, a distant QR code may be automatically zoomed in on to provide a better view using the built-in QR code scanner.

This feature is especially helpful when the code is far away and you are unable to approach it closer, such as when you see it on a billboard or on public transportation.

Since it recognizes the code and immediately zooms in, this new addition renders the old scanner almost useless for such people. 

In fact, it's faster than the built-in camera app.

Read more: 22% of Phishing Attacks Use QR Codes

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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