Tiruchy City Street Signs to Get A QR Code for Source-Based Garbage Segregation

Jul 11, 2023 - Views: 779

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As part of a pilot effort to improve garbage segregation at source, the city of Tiruchy has given out roughly 3,000 QR code stickers to residents and businesses in the area.

The corporation is now debating whether to allocate it to each roadway as well. 

The city government opted to assign QR codes to every street on a trial basis in the second phase of the project after realizing that scanning codes at each home would take too long.

Tiruchy city street signage to get QR code for waste segregation

Tiruchy city street signage to get QR code for waste segregation

An upper-level company representative stated: 

"Sanitation employees must scan the QR code of each house and commercial establishment and record information about the source segregation done on the mobile application. 

But it was discovered that this approach took time. 

We thus made the decision to apply QR codes to each street's signs. 

Every sanitation worker must scan the QR code following the current plan before accessing a roadway. 

Only if a residential or business facility gives garbage without segregation will an individual QR code be scanned.

"With the new plan, we can collect data on source segregation on a street-wise basis," a different sanitation officer remarked. 

We can tell the sanitation workers to scan the QR code of the appropriate residences the next time they visit the region if complaints arise about them not visiting certain households. 

Residents encouraged the firm to speed up the distribution procedure in the meantime.

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