Static Versus Dynamic QR code: What Are The Differences?

Nov 22, 2022 - Views: 2346

Rating: 4.6 - 65Votes

Static versus Dynamic QR code: What are the differences?

If you intend to employ dynamic QR codes in your marketing campaign, it is important to know about QR codes and the fundamental differences between static and dynamic QR codes.

Which one should you choose? 

Learn how these two vary from one another in this post.

Let’s check out this post!

Understand static vs dynamic QR code

Understand static vs dynamic QR code

What Is A QR Code?

A QR (Quick Response) code is one of the most sophisticated type of barcodes that we commonly see affixed to packaging in grocery shops or supermarkets.

A QR Code can be created online using a QR code generator and scanned in both vertical and horizontal dimensions.

Unlike barcodes, which simply offer the numeric value of a product, they can hold much more information in multiple forms.

QR codes are accessible to smartphones using simply their camera feature or QR Reader Apps by scanning them, making them handy for everyone. 

A QR Code

A QR Code

Once scanned, the material behind a QR code may be deciphered and taken by scanners to a page or website containing a wealth of information on a subject.

Furthermore, QR Codes include a built-in correcting error, making them less vulnerable to damage.

So, where are QR codes used

Because many smartphones have built-in QR scanners, QR codes are often used in marketing and advertising campaigns as well as to monitor information about items in a supply chain. 

More recently, they have been essential in tracking coronavirus exposure and controlling the virus's spread.

Our previous article is written about “How do QR codes work?”, if you want to find out its operation, read it. 

What Is A Static QR Code?

Do you know what a static QR code is and what it is used for? 

Below is some basic and useful information about Static QR code that you need to know. Let’s find out!


Static QR codes are those that cannot be altered once produced. The data is fixed and integrated into the code. 

Static QR codes are those that cannot be altered once produced

Static QR codes are those that cannot be altered once produced

They can be scanned repeatedly or used as one-time scans for things like coupons. 

QR code generator dashboards, on the other hand, do not track the scans.

Email, plain text, SMS, vCard, WhatsApp, and static URL codes are all examples of static QR codes.


It may seem inconvenient to use a QR code with set information, turning out to be a catastrophe under the appropriate circumstances. 

However, a QR code has a wide range of applications that cannot be replaced, including the following:

  • Codes for one-time usage that don't need to be updated

Because the use case is transient, the information itself gets dated. 

The code doesn't need to be modified or updated. 

A singular PR event or marketing campaign is an excellent illustration.

For PR events or marketing campaign

For PR events or marketing campaign

  • Information that shouldn't be altered

Information that has been encrypted, such as employee numbers, access codes, or other private data. 

Despite this, a dynamic QR code can still be flexible in the future and be just as secure as a static QR code. 

However, in other circumstances, it could seem safer to completely exclude the opportunity of modifying the data related to the code.

For employee numbers, access codes, or other private data

For employee numbers, access codes, or other private data

  • Personal information

Personal information is typically not complicated, and the media through which the QR is delivered isn't frequently used again. 

Consider a hardcopy resume or your email signature. 

Most of the time, people don't go back and read previous emails or resumes. Additionally, it's unnecessary to link personal information to usage stats for QR codes.

For personal information

For personal information

What Is A Dynamic QR Code?

Below is some basic and useful information about Dynamic QR Code that you need to know. Let’s check it out!


So, what is dynamic QR code? A QR code that has a brief redirect URL embedded in it is called a dynamic QR code. 

Unlike a static QR code, the information you're attempting to convey isn't embedded in the QR code itself. 

Instead, a dynamic QR code will take you to the website where the information you're attempting to convey is located. 

A Dynamic QR Code

A Dynamic QR Code

The best part? The URL used for redirection is subject to change. 

A dynamic QR code's contents can vary without requiring a new code, in contrast to a static QR code. 

This is one of the main advantages of QR codes over barcodes.

Some examples of dynamic QR codes are dynamic URL, Social Media, Feedback, Images, and PDF.


Some useful applications of dynamic QR Codes include:

  • Menu bar codes on websites at pubs, restaurants, and hotels 

Menu material is continuously changing, especially if you're menu engineering to increase sales. 

The ability to attach a single QR code to an ever-changing list is extremely valuable when accounting for the kaleidoscope of menu items, descriptions, and pricing. 

This applies not only to restaurant menus, but also to spa menus, poolside menus, local activity ideas, and more. 

Any menu that is likely to change nearly necessitates the use of a dynamic QR code.

Menu bar codes on websites at pubs, restaurants, and hotels

Menu bar codes on websites at pubs, restaurants, and hotels

  • Keep track of QR code usage and scanning statistics

You can capture where, when, and with what device a QR code was scanned if you utilize a dynamic QR code. The consequences of marketing initiatives are massive. Particularly for bars and restaurants. 

The QR code templates and marketing techniques you employ may be equated to scanning data. 

You can change a variety of things based on the use of numbers to enhance conversion.

Dynamic QR is used to track data

Dynamic QR is used to track data

  • Personalized content delivery

A dynamic QR code can alter the URL to which it refers. 

It also can monitor time, location, and devices. 

All of this can come together. The QR code can surface useful information to the person scanning by capturing information about the scan. 

Personalized content delivery

Personalized content delivery

  • Nutritional information and food applications

The use of QR codes on food packaging is an excellent approach to start dialogues about what drives much of today's consumer behavior: values. 

They have the potential to give compelling, extensive material on nutrition, sourcing, sustainability, and social responsibility.

Nutritional information and food applications

Nutritional information and food applications

  • Contactless payments and touch-free ordering 

A dynamic QR code is one that allows cutting-edge features like mobile ordering and contactless payments. 

A static QR code cannot possibly hold the data required to enable functionalities like these. 

Instead, it would be kept and used somewhere else, and the QR code would guide users there.

Static Versus Dynamic QR Code: What Is The Difference?

The primary distinction between Static versus Dynamic QR code is how they transmit and store the message. 

When using static QR codes, the data is stored within the QR code itself. 

When using dynamic QR codes, the data is kept on a website and the QR code simply sends people to the link (or in the form hosted online, such as the case of feedback QR codes).

This leads to a number of other distinctions between the characteristics of static vs dynamic QR codes.

The primary differences are as follows.

Comparison static versus dynamic QR code

Comparison static versus dynamic QR code

Ability to shorten URLs

Dynamic QR codes employ short URLs, which simplifies the construction of squares and allows for somewhat faster scanning than static QR codes.

If you opt to abbreviate the URL, static QR codes can support it. 

It scans a little slowly if not trimmed, but it's barely perceptible.

Ability to shorten URLs

Ability to shorten URLs

Flexibility of edits

  • Dynamic QR codes can be altered in the event that a modification is required in the future. 

Editing a dynamic QR code is simple and quick, and it can be done in the dashboard, where all codes are stored and grouped by folders. 

Fixing errors and mistakes with dynamic QR codes is simple; all the code maker has to do is log in to the dashboard and amend the information.

  • Static codes cannot be altered after they have been written, and neither the code itself nor the data that is behind the code can be changed. 

However, it may be redesigned if you wish to refresh the appearance and reprint or put it on social media and websites. 

If you merely want to share codes for informative purposes, static is a fine choice. 

Because static codes cannot be altered once produced, a user would need to create a new QR code to remedy errors.

The flexibility of edits

The flexibility of edits

Data trackability

Tracking dynamic QR codes helps marketers to scale and execute quantifiable QR code marketing campaigns in unprecedented ways. 

The analytics dashboard contains information on how many times the QR codes were scanned, whose devices were used, and where they were scanned. 

  • Dynamic QR is trackable and quickly updated codes 

So they are ideal for flexible marketing initiatives. 

By using data and analytics, a marketing team may instantly change campaigns to constantly enhance campaign success.

  • Static QR codes, on the other hand, can not be tracked on dashboards for QR code generators. 

Because users cannot view any data or specifics about the success of QR codes, measuring marketing efforts would be more challenging.

Because static codes are not editable or trackable, including them into agile marketing campaigns is extremely difficult. 

Static codes are not the greatest answer if it is vital for your marketing team to be able to swiftly act on the campaign in order to focus their efforts on activities that perform the best.

Data trackability

Data trackability

Ability to generate the codes in bulk

Bulk QR codes can be created for both static and dynamic codes. 

These are created in CSV format and then sent to the QR code generator. 

Bulk-producing QR Codes is the technique of producing and making several QR Codes at once. 

You save time and work by producing QR Codes in bulk rather than individually and manually.

Ability to generate the codes in bulk

Ability to generate the codes in bulk

Need for subscription

Dynamic QR Codes are only valid as long as you have a current membership with your QR Code service provider. 

When your subscription expires, your QR Codes will no longer function.

If you use a dynamic QR Code, you must organize your marketing properly.

This, however, is not the case with static QR Codes. 

They continue to function generation after generation. 

As a result, you don't have to be concerned about their functionality.

Here is some basic differences between static and dynamic QR code, take a look

Comparison basic features of static and dynamic QR code

Comparison basic features of static and dynamic QR code

Static Versus Dynamic QR Code: Which One Is Better?

Do you want to know about Dynamic vs static qr code, which one is better?

The answer depends on the application, the goals you want to achieve, and the metrics used to determine how successful your marketing initiatives were.

A static code works well if one wants to build a one-time use QR code to transmit permanent information or urgent alerts and does not need to measure and analyze the QR code's performance.

Which is better: Static versus Dynamic QR code?

Which is better: Static versus Dynamic QR code?

Dynamic QR codes are the way to go if you want to generate QR codes that will be used frequently and are a part of a larger marketing campaign that needs tracking, analysis, and modifications.

Dynamic codes are advised simply in case any altering or alterations are required, especially in the event that errors with printed documents occur.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How to create a dynamic QR Code?

Here's how to make a dynamic QR Code quickly:

  • Log in to the dashboard at Beaconstac's dynamic QR Code generator.

  • (You may also register for a 14-day free trial without a credit card.)

  • Select the kind of QR Code you wish to make.

  • Enter all necessary information.

  • Use various templates, frames, data patterns, etc. to customize the QR Code.

  • Create and test the QR code to make sure it can be scanned without any issues.

  • Download the QR Code.

  • Use the QR Code after downloading it.

Do QR Codes change?

Yes, but it only applies to dynamic QR codes. 

We advise selecting a dynamic QR code if you want to track your QR Codes, give yourself the ability to alter your QR Code's content or change your QR Code solution afterward.

How to tell if a QR Code is static or dynamic?
It takes longer to read static QR Codes since they feature denser data patterns. A further difference between static and dynamic QR Codes is the length of the URLs.


The key is to understand what, given the purpose of the code, will be most beneficial to both you and the client. Now that you have learned about the differences: Static versus Dynamic QR code, you can feel confident about your campaigns knowing that you have alternatives to create the ideal codes for your requirements. 

Rating: 4.6 - 65Votes


  1. Jayson Harrison

    Jayson Harrison

    From top to bottom didn’t skip a word. That’s how amazing and interesting your articles are

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    1. Barcodelive

      A little bit long, though

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      1. Jayson Harrison

        Jayson Harrison

        But full of information. Keep it up

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  2. Gael Hill

    Gael Hill

    Are dynamic QR codes free?

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    1. Barcodelive

      They can be, but they aren't usually

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      1. Steven Ross

        Steven Ross

        Agree. And I want to add that most QR code generators require users to sign up for one of their paid plans to access dynamic QR codes. QR codes are typically limited (e.g., fixed amount of dynamic QR codes, number of scans, etc.).

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  3. Jayden Hamilton

    Jayden Hamilton

    Are static QR codes safe?

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    1. Barcodelive

      Yes, they are. Static QR codes contain the content inside that cannot be changed. The information in the QR code is secured.

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  4. Abigail Lee

    Abigail Lee

    Do static QR codes expire?

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    1. Barcodelive

      No, static QR codes do not have an expiration date. A static QR code can only become unreadable if something physically disrupts the pattern and alignment of the code itself.

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  5. Landon Perez

    Landon Perez

    Excellent article

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    1. Barcodelive


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  6. Jordyn Sanders

    Jordyn Sanders

    I heard that scanning QR code, my phone can get a virus. Is it true?

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    1. Barcodelive

      Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Malicious apps can be transmitted via QR codes. Thus, make sure up-to-date OS and just scan QR codes from trusted sources.

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