Selfridges to Launch A Loyalty Program Using A QR Code and App

Jul 21, 2023 - Views: 1021

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes

According to a recent press release from Selfridges, the Selfridges Unlocked program offers members early access to product launches, news, events, and free shipping. 

Every time a customer shops, a donation is also made to charity.

"Selfridges Unlocked has been carefully chosen to help customers live brighter and to make purchases go further.

It makes a meaningful difference to the local community in partnership with Centrepoint," the business stated in a release.

Customers can choose to receive a Selfridges Key, a QR code that can be seamlessly integrated into the wallet app, to sign up for Selfridges Unlocked, according to the release.

Selfridges launches loyalty program powered by QR code and app

Selfridges launches loyalty program powered by QR code and app

Additionally, customers can register for the Selfridges summer lineup.

Through it, they are given access to special deals on both in-store and online purchases.

According to the press release, the schedule also includes supper clubs, tailored events in cooperation with the Manchester International Festival, and early access to new movie releases.

Harry Gordon Selfridge, the business's visionary founder, "offered keys to the first customers on the day the store opened in 1909 with the wish that they would feel "at home" in Selfridges," the company said in a press release.

"Everyone is welcome," as Selfridge is renowned for saying, and anyone can possess a Selfridges key."

Selfridges is one of several businesses that offer loyalty programs intended to entice customers to keep shopping.

For instance, the pharmacy giant Walgreens revealed on Monday, July 10, that its myWalgreens program members would be able to take advantage of a weeklong event.

It will provide rewards and discounts on all items purchased in-person, online, and via the company's mobile app.

Also read: Venmo QR Code on Bench by Supreme Court

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes



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