Residents of All Trichy Zones Can Express Their Complaints Using QR Code Soon

Aug 03, 2023 - Views: 848

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Trichy Corporation has taken steps to expand the QR code-based grievance redressal mechanism to all five zones of the city. This is in an effort to facilitate a pan-city comprehensive platform for resolving civic issues.

This comes after the system's successful pilot implementation in zone V's ward number 22, which had good results.

To develop the platform and create customized QR code cards for every residential and commercial building, the corporation has set aside Rs 1 crore.

Residents of all Trichy zones can air grievances via QR code soon

Residents of all Trichy zones can air grievances via QR code soon

Corporation employees will perform door-to-door surveys in properties throughout the city to gather information.

It includes the owner's name, the property tax assessment number, and contact information.

The information gathered and attached to the properties will each have its own QR code.

Residents can scan the code from their mobile phones using an online scanner if they have complaints about issues like malfunctioning streetlights, sewage overflow, or disruptions in the provision of drinking water. 

The next step is to choose the type of complaint.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, the sanitary, engineering, or revenue departments will receive the complaints.

Officials will be informed via WhatsApp groups.

The survey for creating QR codes will be completed next month. So what do you think about this?

Read more: Beware of Fake Bank Scams Using QR Codes

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