Reputable barcode resellers: Best place to buy cheap barcodes

Jan 17, 2023 - Views: 4052

Rating: 4.6 - 54Votes

At some point in your business, you will wonder “Do my products need barcodes? Which are reputable barcode resellers?”. 

No matter whether your company is small or big, barcodes can give you plenty of something in your delivery. 

Aside from GS1, you can get a barcode from reliable resellers of barcode. 

But how could you find them on the go?

Find out reliable barcode resellers

Find out reliable barcode resellers

What Is A Barcode Reseller?

A barcode reseller is someone or a company that buys barcodes in large quantities. 

Then, they resell these barcodes to customers who would like to label individual barcodes on their items or packages. 

They do not have to pay membership and annual fees. In other words, the price tags are inexpensive in the long term. 

Can we buy barcodes from other parties?

Can we buy barcodes from other parties?

However, bear in mind that non-legitimate barcodes are commonly cheap. 

If you are not lucky, you will get these fraudulent codes. And then, you have to rebuild reliable barcodes and reprint your product packaging. 

In the long run, you will waste more and more. 

Can Barcode Resellers Be Trusted?

On the market, there are several good resellers of barcode and some of them are not. 

You should find out many firms with a long history or provide solid experiences in a chain of ownership of the numbers. 

A legitimate barcode company can show their reliable barcodes

A legitimate barcode company can show their reliable barcodes

Do your homework in checking the price tag before contacting a barcode reseller. 

Be careful of those who inherit ridiculous barcode costs. 

These counterfeiting barcodes companies have short-term growth and go bankrupt because of their legit barcodes. 

If a firm does not have the information in the State or Government office, the evidence will help you consider whether that company is reputable or not. 

Any legitimate reseller companies have to register its businesses to a local or a federal office.

If you want to get some tips to pick the most reliable reseller, read on…

Is Purchasing A Single Cheap UPC From A Reseller Legal?

UPC barcode recognition is not compulsory and UPC barcodes on products are not generally a legal condition.

Medical devices and drugs in the FDA identification are the exceptions in a global commercial. 

Buy barcodes GS1 makes the products of a company more attractive to future partners. 

Moreover, these support enterprises are more popular on search engines, buying sites, and e-commerce platforms.

Most retail businesses and marketplaces set the regulation that suppliers have to show barcode licenses from GS1 when they would like to do business and prove their real brands. 

Without production identification from barcodes, retail supply chains will get stuck. 

Products with wrong licensed prefixes in barcodes will not accept.  

You should buy barcodes from a legal reseller

You should buy barcodes from a legal reseller

What Are Some Tips When Buying Barcode From Resellers?

According to George Laurer, the creator of the UPC barcode, the UPC/EAN-13 number must be valid to be approved for distribution by most significant retail channels. 

If you are discovered utilizing a fake or plainly copied code, your credibility with the retailer is over.

Thus, following these tips to find the most reliable reseller:

  • The reseller must be offering barcodes with a prefix that was acquired from the UCC (currently known as GS1-US) before the 2002 UCC Class Action Lawsuit. Any UPC or EAN purchased from GS1 (not the UCC) or any other nation is licensed and not an item that the reseller is permitted to sell legally.

  • The reseller offers pricing for UPC/EANs that are "too good to be true," is selling fakes.

  • The reseller shouldn't have been in issue with local, state, or federal licensing, regulation, or law enforcement for any reason, especially not for selling fake barcodes or engaging in price-fixing.

  • The reseller is a verified government-registered business.

  • The reseller must provide a phone number, contact email, and address.

  • The reseller owns a website and isn't offering only on eBay or other "auction" websites. According to Bar Codes Talk,  90% of these auction websites are offering fake UPC/EAN numbers.

  • Use caution if a reseller offers you both an UPC and EAN code. UPC numbers are the only type required for US producers that intend to sell their products internationally because they are by definition accepted everywhere.

Tips to look for a reliable barcode reseller

Tips to look for a reliable barcode reseller

Some Problems Causes By Purchasing UPCs With Shared Prefixes

Amazon and mid-sized retailers demand that suppliers ONLY acquire UPCs with GS1 Company Prefixes licensed to providers' brand names and NOT use shared prefixes.

In this regard, some retailers have clear guidelines for business needs, such as UPC barcode identification. 

Here are a few instances:

Walmart UPC Update

Walmart uses GS1 standards for both item identification and carton marking (GTIN-14).

Because of the problems brought on by the confusion, Walmart actually published on their website: 

"Please enclose in your proposal packet a copy of your UCC (GS1) membership letter reporting your firm's exact number. You have to register yourself directly through the UCC (GS1), not a third party.

Walmart’s guideline

Walmart’s guideline

Amazon UPC Policy

Early on, Amazon struggled to trust the UPCs provided by suppliers since they failed to clearly convey unified UPC standards.

Google Merchant Center

GTINs are necessary for brand-name products provided by numerous merchants on Google Shopping. 

Now that GTINs are required, Google will also be checking the accuracy of the information supplied by manufacturers.

Top 3 Reputable Barcode Resellers

Relying on the scale of your business, the barcode number of your packages or products, and the number of UPC symbols – you have plenty of different options. 

If you are determined to buy from a barcode reseller, you should watch out for some of them. 

In addition to legitimate barcodes, some codes are not available on popular online platforms (Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, etc.). 

Some international barcodes are already in use. 

There are various resellers of barcode you can choose

There are various resellers of barcode you can choose

Here are three names that you can try for the best UPC resellers. 

  • This reseller often has high price tags. Sometimes, they have promotions (85 USD for a single barcode and 2,475 USD for 500 barcodes)

  • This is one of the most tremendous online barcode sellers with acceptable price tags (7.5 USD for a single barcode and 825 USD for 1500 barcodes)

  • They can provide legal barcodes for your businesses. In other words, you could own unique barcodes. The price is 7.5 USD for a single barcode and 125 USD for 100 barcodes.  

Are There Any Other Places To Buy Barcodes?

GS1 is the first option of buying a barcode because they are official international providers of these numbers. 

You should search on their website to find your country’s division initially. 

Then, you register for an application process.

You are able to buy cheap UPC code on GS1 

You are able to buy cheap UPC code on GS1 

Small companies just need a few products on their shelves, so trustworthy barcode resellers are a simpler approach to meeting their demands. 

Resellers of barcode buy a variety of barcodes from GS1 and resell these to patrons at once-off price. 

They could be legitimate businesses in your country. 

Nationwide Barcode is also worth taking into account. 

It is a barcode solution for the majority of online retailers known as "webtailers," such as, Amazon, eBay, and Google Merchant. 

It offers a cheap solution to all of your barcode requirements.

That is all about today’s topic. Before jumping into some commonly asked questions, let’s sum up what we’ve gone through!

About trustworthy barcode resellers

About trustworthy barcode resellers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where can I buy a legit UPC code?

As we mentioned earlier, you are able to buy barcodes GS1. This is the first place to purchase legit UPCs for your packages or products. 

Go to their website, then you select your suitable barcode type and purchase. 

When your UPC barcode registration has been completed, they will send you a unique GS1 prefix and series of digits so that you can start off yours. 

Furthermore, you should spend a little time finding reliable barcode resellers in your country. 

Can I resell UPC codes?

It depends on the condition of the UPS codes. 

If you purchase bar codes from an importer with UPC barcodes for the product, you could use them and resell them. 

If UPCs are assigned to different categories, you cannot do that. 

UPCs are not labeled to an item and they are not yours to assign, you could not use them. 

Do I have to buy barcodes from GS1?

No, you do not have to make a barcode purchase from GS1 unless you are buying products for giant enterprises or global markets, like Amazon. 

You ought to find great resellers of barcode and purchase UPCs from them. 

You even do not need to purchase barcode if your product “flows” in the local market only. 

What is a GTIN exemption?

A GTIN exemption is a registration when Amazon allows sellers to add products without UPCs. 

Amazon will provide their unique label to assign that your products are quite special, whose labels are non-UPCs. 

In short, it is so difficult to get GTIN exemptions. Several sellers have to wait a long time (weeks or months) to approve. 

Since 2019, their processes are quicker and smoother. 

Sellers only fill in the form within a few minutes and then, Amazon will respond to your application in two business days. 

Could I get UPC codes exemption if my products are already registered?

Yes, you could. 

This is because the brand registration is not relevant. Any seller ought to apply an UPC exemption. 

Final Words

For small firms or startups, barcode purchasing is so overloaded. If they buy barcodes GS1, they could break the bank immediately. Reputable barcode resellers are their tremendous option. Just make sure that you own the information about those resellers, including their prices and the barcode origins. 


Rating: 4.6 - 54Votes


  1. JohnC


    I have a block if 100000 barcodes purchased prior to 2002 that have never been used. Any idea what they might be worth to a reseller?

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  2. Marley Hill

    Marley Hill

    Wow, you just nailed it again. I cannot agree with you more…

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    1. Barcodelive

      No problem

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  3. Justin Edwards

    Justin Edwards

    Do I need to spend on Gs1 for UPC code before selling on Amazon?

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    1. Barcodelive

      Not necessarily because if you are getting the product from a vendor it may already have a bar code. You can just use that UPC code. If you are private labeling then you will need to get one from GS1

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  4. Lennon Webster

    Lennon Webster

    Thank you so much. ~ You’re an amazing source! ~

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    1. Barcodelive

      You're welcome

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