Potential Reasons behind Bit.ly's Big Bet on QR Codes

Sep 25, 2023 - Views: 1551

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

During the epidemic, QR codes turned from being a zero to a hero.

But now that the pandemic is under control, do people still use QR codes as frequently?

Evidently so. 

When compared to the same period in 2021, Bit.ly observed a 152% rise in QR code generation during the first half of 2022, while QR code engagement increased by more than 40%.

Toby Gabriner joined Bit.ly as CEO in August 2020, right in the heart of the pandemic, after serving as NextRoll's CEO for four years.

"The fact is, people are still scanning QR codes like crazy, and they're embedded everywhere at this point," he said.

Why Bit.ly is betting big on QR codes?

Why Bit.ly is betting big on QR codes?

Although Bit.ly is primarily known for shortening URLs on the internet, it made its first-ever acquisition of the German startup Egoditor in December 2021.

"Though it was quite basic, we did have a QR code product that we produced in 2017. 

After 2020, when we finally began to surface it, adoption exploded. 

When we were growing by 1,000% month over month, we realized we had a significant opportunity.

That's when we made the decision to buy a QR code maker. Every QR code contains a link, so for us, it just made sense," he said.

According to Toby Gabriner, you also have the chance to establish a direct connection with an end user when someone scans a QR code. 

Suddenly, you find this person in your CRM system who you would have never had the opportunity to interact with.

Read more: Attackers Are Using Weaponized QR Codes

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