NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Incorporates QR Codes Into Their Products To Benefit Customers

Jul 13, 2023 - Views: 884

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

As of right now, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS adds QR codes to all of its products. 

The benefits to the clients are considerable, including direct contact with the customer support department of the organization in their home country.

Customers can connect with the appropriate country organization contacts and communicate with them in their native tongue.

When contacted via the system, the contact person's monitors immediately show the personally utilized drive solution so they can offer knowledgeable support. 

Customers are required to give the serial number of their drive component when contacted by phone.

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS equips its products with QR codes

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS equips its products with QR codes

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS now incorporates QR codes into its products to give customers quick access to the service division. 

Jörg Niermann, Head of Marketing, explains that scanning this code with your mobile device directs you to the 'Digital services' option menu. 

Customers have other choices besides direct access to the service department.

They can access its documentation and a list of prospective replacement components by using the serial number of their drive component as a navigational aid. 

Customers may also get in touch with the relevant sales department or use the myNORD customer site directly. 

The serial number of the drive component will always be pre-set, and all subsequent data is connected to it.

By the end of April, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS will launch the QR code system, starting with the LogiMAT trade show. 

The aforementioned benefits are offered by drive components that will start to be supplied. 

"We are developing new services at the same time.” 

For instance, Niermann adds, "We want to use the 'Digital services' to advise our customers about digital updates for their frequency inverters.

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Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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