Can You Wear AirPods in a Tanning Bed? Tips for using safely

Oct 11, 2023 - Views: 1552

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes

Since technology has advanced, people are now asking, "Can you wear AirPods in a tanning bed?"

In fact, the usage of wireless earphones or headphones while indoor tanning has ignited a discussion about whether or not it is safe to do so. 

The key cause for worry is how UV radiation and warming may affect the headphones, which might result in damage, hearing issues, and diminished sound quality.

For the most detailed discussion of this problem, read this article!

Can you wear AirPods while tanning bed?

Can you wear AirPods while tanning bed?

Can You Wear AirPods in a Tanning Bed?

In most cases, it's OK to use your AirPods for a brief 2 to 3-minute tanning bed session without doing you any harm.

But it can be an issue if you want to wear it for an extended time.

All earbuds, including AirPods, have an optimal operating temperature. 

The AirPods may malfunction, harm, or switch off to prevent damage if they are subjected to greater heat than they can handle.

Thus, it would be better to skip the music though most tanning bed sessions last no more than 10 minutes.

Read on to get the more detailed reasons…

Can you wear AirPods in tanning bed?

Can you wear AirPods in tanning bed?

Can AirPods Overheat in a Tanning Bed?

One of the primary issues with using AirPods in a tanning bed is overheating.

Every set of headphones and earbuds has an ideal working temperature, as was already explained.

According to Apple, the recommended operating temperature for AirPods is between 0°C and 35°C, or 32° to 95°F.

Apple also notes that using AirPods in hot weather might permanently decrease the battery life.

The perfect operating temperature of Apple AirPods

The perfect operating temperature of Apple AirPods

On the other hand, most tanning beds have a maximum temperature of 90°F.

Therefore, the temperature will be within AirPods' operating range in most cases.

However, there can be an issue if the UV radiation hits the AirPods directly and the temperature of a tanning bed can vary greatly due to its age and type.

Hence, check the operating temperature of the tanning bed before deciding whether or not your AirPods can tolerate the heat.

Can UV Radiation Damage AirPods?

UV radiation, which has the potential to be hazardous to human health, is emitted in relatively high amounts by tanning beds. 

Luckily, the AirPods and other electronics are unlikely to be harmed by UV radiation.

AirPods are unlikely to be harmed by UV radiation exposure

AirPods are unlikely to be harmed by UV radiation exposure

UV light can only harm AirPods when it is exposed to plastic continuously and over an extended period, which would require several hours of exposure.

In actuality, the electronics you bring inside the indoor tanning bed are less vulnerable to the effects of UV radiation than your skin.

Thus, the damage to your skin would likely occur before any electrical equipment was harmed by UV radiation.

Please be aware that UV radiation can seriously harm your eyes, so you should take extreme precautions to avoid letting it reach them when tanning.

Pros and Cons of Wearing AirPods in a Tanning Bed

Let's examine its advantages and disadvantages below to better understand "Can I wear AirPods in a tanning bed?"



✅ Enjoyment

✅ Convenience

✅ Privacy

✅ Aesthetics

✅ Multitasking

❌ Health risks

❌ Damage to AirPods

❌ Inconvenience

❌ Reduced effectiveness

❌ Interference with salon equipment

Benefits of Wearing AirPods While Tanning

  • Enjoyment: By enabling you to listen to your preferred music, podcasts, or audiobooks while in the tanning bed, AirPods can improve your experience and help the time pass more quickly.

  • Convenience: Because they are wireless and compact, AirPods are simple to use in a tanning bed and transport.

  • Privacy: You may tune out any annoying sounds in the tanning bed and gain some privacy by using AirPods.

  • Multitasking: Wearing AirPods, you may multitask and finish other tasks like checking emails or making calls while having a tanning session.

  • Aesthetics: While tanning, AirPods can provide you with a more stylish appearance. 

Related: Can you wear AirPods with a tragus piercing?

Advantages of wearing AirPods in a tanning bed

Advantages of wearing AirPods in a tanning bed

Drawbacks of Wearing AirPods While Tanning

Can you wear AirPods in the tanning bed - Yes, but you should take the following things into account!

  • Health risks: Because tanning beds release a lot of UV radiation, using AirPods while in one might potentially injure your hearing.

  • Damage to AirPods: The batteries and electronics in the AirPods can be harmed by the high temperature of a tanning bed, shortening their lifespan.

Battery malfunction is also among the reasons why you should not use AirPods when sleeping.

Read more: Can I wear AirPods Pro while sleeping?

Some reasons not to use AirPods while tanning

Some reasons not to use AirPods while tanning

  • Inconvenience: It may be unpleasant to use AirPods since you might need to take them off to adjust the tanning bed or reapply sunscreen.

  • Reduced effectiveness: Because the earphones may prevent some UV rays from reaching the face and ears, wearing AirPods while tanning may make the session less effective.

  • Interference with salon equipment: Due to the possibility of interference with the tanning bed equipment, some salons forbid the use of personal electronic devices.

How to Wear AirPods in a Tanning Bed?

Can I wear my AirPods in the tanning bed?

Yes, provided that you adhere to our instructions on how to wear AirPods shown below.

How to wear AirPods tanning bed?

How to wear AirPods tanning bed?

Before you enter the tanning bed, first check to ensure your AirPods are fully charged.

Minimize your AirPods' use in the tanning bed since prolonged use might harm your ears.

Remember to take off your AirPods and leave the tanning bed as soon as you notice any redness, itching, or swelling in your ears. 

The plastic in your AirPods may not be suitable for you owing to the tanning bed's intense heat.

Tips for Using AirPods in a Tanning Bed

The following tips can help you use AirPods in a tanning bed more effectively.

In addition, it also aids in preventing mistakes that can result in unwanted AirPods damage.

A full guide on using AirPods in a tanning bed

A full guide on using AirPods in a tanning bed

  • Don't let your AirPods become overheated: 

The AirPods can operate most well in temperatures up to 35°C. 

For this reason, you shouldn't use the AirPods if the maximum temperature of your tanning bed exceeds that level. 

Using AirPods while they are hot might harm the battery permanently.

  • Make the wire go around your body:

Make sure that the wire on any wired AirPods runs around your body rather than on top of it.

  • Don't bring the AirPods charging case:

Don't carry the AirPods charging case with you

Don't carry the AirPods charging case with you

A charging case for AirPods should not be brought to the tanning bed as it contains most of the battery unit. 

The battery may sustain long-term harm from overheating.

Alternatives to Wearing AirPods in a Tanning Bed

As mentioned earlier, your AirPods might not be the best choice for a tanning session. 

So consider these options to listen to your favorite music or podcasts while tanning!

Tanning Beds With Built-In Speakers/Radio

An example of a tanning bed with built-in speakers/radio

An example of a tanning bed with built-in speakers/radio

Modern tanning beds now come with speakers or radios built in. 

With these tanning beds, you can listen to music, podcasts, and more without worrying about overheating. 

They do away with the need for wireless earbuds or headphones as well. 

They are slightly pricey, but they are totally worth the hefty cost!

External Speakers

Consider using an external speaker

Consider using an external speaker

External speakers like the Anker Soundcore Bluetooth Speaker are the greatest substitute for AirPods while using them inside a tanning bed. 

Connect these speakers to your smartphone to experience stress-free listening. 

If you enjoy sunbathing indoors and don't care about privacy, external speakers can also be a suitable choice. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I use headphones in tanning bed?

You can use headphones while lying in a tanning bed.

However, unless you place the headphones on the right, they could irritate your ears and the tanning bed's heat and light might damage them.

Additionally, using headphones may interfere with your tan, making it seem uneven, or cause it to get darker more slowly.

What should you not use in a tanning bed?

To prevent unsightly tan lines, make sure to remove all necklaces, rings, and other jewelry before stepping into the tanning bed. 

Also, you should be free of perfume, essential oils, and makeup when you come for your tanning session.

Can AirPods get heat damage?

Apple claims that using AirPods in extremely hot environments might permanently reduce battery life. 

Keep your AirPods somewhere that is between -10° and 45°C (14° and 113°F) in temperature. 

As parked automobiles can get hotter than this range of temperatures, don't leave your AirPods in your vehicle as well.


You should make your own decision on whether or not to wear AirPods in a tanning bed now that you are fully aware of every aspect of this practice. There shouldn't be any issues if the highest temperature of the tanning bed is within the range of the AirPods' ideal working temperature.

Can you wear AirPods in a tanning bed? Yes, but make sure you don't use them for an extended length of time. Still, it would be preferable if you could completely skip using AirPods throughout the session. You may listen to music on your phone while keeping it some distance from the tanning bed.

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes


  1. Darcy Lee

    Darcy Lee

    Hi. Thank you very much for this post!

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    1. Barcodelive

      You’re welcome

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  2. Mia Walker

    Mia Walker

    Thank you for another brilliant and inspiring resource

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    1. Barcodelive

      Sounds good

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  3. Emma Murray

    Emma Murray

    Will you wear AirPods Max in the summer? Or can you wear them in the summer?

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    1. Evelyn Gray

      Evelyn Gray

      Inside the house. I would. Outside the house. I hardly want to bring them with me outside during autumn, let alone when it's blisteringly hot.

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    2. Imogen Jackson

      Imogen Jackson

      I bought my pair right before summer over a year ago and had no issues using it throughout the Summer season.

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  4. Samuel Moore

    Samuel Moore

    My campus literally has a river that runs through it and everyone lays out to tan and stuff. Does anyone know if AirPods are safe to use when it's hot outside? I'll be putting the case in my bag and putting my clothes on top to not overheat it but I'll be wearing my AirPods.

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    1. Zara Reid

      Zara Reid

      If you’re out in hot enough sun to melt an Air Pod while it’s in your ear, you probably shouldn’t be out there so long.

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      1. Olivia Stewart

        Olivia Stewart

        Comment seems clever and funny but my iPhone auto shut off after literally only 5 minutes in the sun yesterday. Bodies can withstand a lot more than combustible batteries

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