Bluffton Police Department Posts QR Code Stickers to Aid Victims of Domestic Abuse

Aug 10, 2023 - Views: 828

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

According to Detective Angela Serrano, the domestic violence investigator for the Bluffton Police Department, the department received a federal grant that allowed for the hiring of a domestic violence investigator.

The Bluffton Police Department pays Detective Serrano's salary as a domestic violence investigator through a federal grant.

She began her job around six months ago.

One of her initiatives involves placing QR code stickers in the restrooms of Bluffton businesses. 

Bluffton Police posting QR code stickers to help domestic violence victims

Bluffton Police posting QR code stickers to help domestic violence victims

The codes go to a survey that includes inquiries about how secure a person feels in their own house.

Detective Serrano or a victim's advocate is informed of the survey results.

So, this program's goal is to speak with unheard victims. 

When an incident occurs, victims may be reluctant to call law enforcement.

"The victims who don't know their community's resources," stated Detective Serrano.

Currently, more than 20 businesses have volunteered to take part in the initiative, and Detective Serrano hopes to grow that number.

"My phone has been inundated with calls because the neighborhood has welcomed this idea. 

"People in the community and outside of our jurisdiction, including volunteers and business owners, support having a QR code in their restrooms," stated Detective Serrano.

In order to place more stickers, Detective Serrano will visit establishments in the Bluffton region during the course of the week.

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Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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