Why Do We Carve Pumpkins on Halloween? The Pumpkin-Carving Origin

Jul 23, 2024 - Views: 762

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes

The jack-o'-lantern is one of the most identifiable faces of Halloween, with bright, jagged eyes and a crooked smile.

But do you know that there is a tale about old customs and Irish American culture hidden behind that face? Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween?

Scroll down to find out the answer!

Why do we carve pumpkins at Halloween?Why do we carve pumpkins at Halloween?

Why Do We Carve Pumpkins on Halloween?

Everywhere you look during the Halloween season, carved pumpkins are illuminating entrances and porches.

An entertaining yearly custom that many people enjoy has its roots in a tale about a guy named Stingy Jack that goes back hundreds of years. 

A famous mythology states that Jack was a crafty and deceitful soul who repeatedly outwitted even the Devil. 

Upon Jack's ultimate death, his soul was desired by neither Heaven nor Hell. Jack was sent into the darkness by the Devil, who became frustrated by his cunning and had only a smoldering coal to guide him. 

After putting the coal inside a turnip that had been hollowed out, Jack set out to explore the Earth. 

Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween?

Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween?

The name "Jack of the Lantern," which was later abbreviated to "Jack O'Lantern," was given to Stingy Jack's ghostly figure in Ireland. 

In Scotland and Ireland, people began creating their own take on Stingy Jack's lantern, carving faces into turnips or potatoes. To frighten away Stingy Jack and any other "wandering evil spirits," the carved vegetables were placed by doorways and in windows.

In addition, the story made its way to England, where people carved spooky faces into big beets in an attempt to ward off ghosts.

People took the folktale and the custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns with them when they came to the United States. Over time, pumpkins—which are indigenous to North America—became the go-to vegetable for carving jack-o'-lanterns.

More to explore:

How to Carve a Pumpkin Halloween?

How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween?

How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween?

While picking pumpkins is fun, mastering the art of pumpkin carving will elevate these orange gourds to new heights. 

Understanding how to carve a pumpkin is essential for creating an engaging Halloween display, regardless of whether you use stencils or carve them by hand.

Follow our instructions to make a perfect Jack-o-lantern.

What You Will Need

Equipment / Tools


  • Metal ice scoop or cooking spoon

  • Printed template

  • Washable markers

  • Pumpkin carving tool kit

  • Pumpkin

You may get the job done with standard pumpkin carving tool sets. Specifically, once most of the strings and seeds are removed, the short-handled, wedge-shaped pumpkin scoop may be used to scrape and smooth the interior walls. 


How to Carve a Halloween Pumpkin

Step 1: Pick Your Pumpkin

Finding a wonderful gourd does not require visiting a pumpkin patch. Simply visit your local farmers market, grocery shop, or department store to see an extensive selection of pumpkins ready for carving. 

Pick a premium pumpkin

Pick a premium pumpkin

Stay away from pumpkins that have mushy areas or surface rot. If the pumpkins are sturdy and have solidly attached stems, you should be OK even if they are dirty.

Step 2: Clean & Cut

When it's time to carve, wash the pumpkin and cut an opening in the top or bottom using a sharp knife. Cutting a round hole with a triangle notch is advised if you choose to go for the top. 

Cut your pumpkin

Cut your pumpkin

Next, begin scraping. Use a big metal ice scoop or cooking spoon to clear out your pumpkin. For quick and simple cleanup—no more wet newspapers—this step should be done in the kitchen sink. Just keep in mind not to put the pulp in your garbage disposal.

Step 3: Outline Your Design

Outline your pumpkin design

Outline your pumpkin design

Arrange the design: Think about how the design will fit on the pumpkin and how it will repeat. When carving time comes, you may either create your own or use a template that you can photocopy or print off and resize to suit your pumpkin.

Next, tape the template on your pumpkin. Every 1/8 to 1/4 inch, pierce the template's outline with an awl, T pin, or needle tool. Remove the template, but keep it nearby for reference.

Step 4: Get Carving

Once the template has been taken out, use a compact saw or linoleum carving tool to cut along the design. 

Cutting simple forms should be done by pushing the pieces out from the inside; pushing them into the pumpkin might result in cracks and rips. 

Start carving

Start carving

Try punching through the pumpkin's rind with an apple corer or drill bit to get precisely round forms.

Simply scrape off the orange surface skin of the Halloween pumpkin to create an etched design with a distinct amount of light. Even basic designs may be stunning when given a little additional complexity.

When to Carve Pumpkins for Halloween?

First off, note that any time in October leading up to Halloween (October 31) is a perfectly suitable time to buy your jack-o'-lantern. 

You may pick up fresh pumpkins right away because they can last for 8 - 12 weeks after they are harvested. It’s only after you carve it that the clock starts ticking.

When should you carve pumpkins for Halloween?

When should you carve pumpkins for Halloween?

How many days before Halloween should I carve my pumpkin?

Pumpkins should be carved no earlier than 3 days prior to Halloween night if you want the perfect one. If you carve your pumpkin too early, the decaying teeth will frighten away potential trick-or-treaters. 

Use a quart of water and a teaspoon of bleach to clean the interior after cutting, and then pat dry. By doing this, you may prevent internal rot and mold.

How to Preserve a Carved Halloween Pumpkin?

The rotting process begins as soon as you cut into your pumpkin, so there's no way to fully stop it. Despite that, you may prolong its shelf life this season by applying the following tips:

Tips to preserve carved pumpkin for Halloween

Tips to preserve carved pumpkin for Halloween

  • Cleanse thoroughly: Wash the outside of your pumpkin with soap and water to get rid of dirt and mold spores.

  • Dry completely: Ensure that the pumpkin is completely dry after cleaning since moisture can cause deterioration.

  • Use petroleum jelly: After carving, apply petroleum jelly inside and on the carved edges to create a layer of barrier that keeps the moisture and firmness of the pumpkin.

  • Avoid open flames: Decay is accelerated by heat. So avoid using open flames inside the pumpkin. Consider safer options, such as LED lighting.

  • Soak overnight: Once you notice that your pumpkin is beginning to fade or wilt, soak it in water overnight to rehydrate and keep it fresh.

  • Cool and shaded: While on display, put your pumpkin in a cool, shaded place. Heat and direct sunshine can hasten deterioration.

  • Refrigerate for longevity: Put a bag over your pumpkin and refrigerate it during the day to preserve its freshness. Its lifespan is greatly increased by this method.


From its spiritual beginnings, the jack-o'-lantern has continued to develop and is currently seen as a peaceful pastime for families of all sizes. Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween? We hope you have discovered the underlying reasons after reading our article!

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes



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