Samsung SmartThings Now Has a TV-Centric User Interface, QR Codes & a Map View

Jan 25, 2024 - Views: 996

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes

During the recent CES, Samsung made three announcements about its SmartThings smart home platform.

The primary issues are related to using the SmartThings TV Quick Panel to convert a Samsung TV into a SmartThings Hub.

Installing this will let your TV recognize your smartphone and use it as a universal remote control, without the need for various remotes that always end up buried under the sofa cushions. 

Users will also be able to monitor and control all of their smart home gadgets, as well as find their phone within the house by ringing it, using the TV Quick Panel.

Several things are now added to Samsung SmartThings

Several things are now added to Samsung SmartThings

The person in charge of putting everything together in a smart house rapidly grows accustomed to it, but for everyone else—including guests—it may be a confusing nightmare. 

Samsung has thus developed a straightforward method called SmartThings Together to make it simpler for everyone to operate the appliances and systems in your SmartThings home.

You may provide people with a QR code they can scan to gain temporary access to and control over specific devices and smart home routines, rather than having to lead them through the entire SmartThings setup procedure. 

For example, a "Goodnight" routine can turn on your home security system, dim the lights, and reduce the thermostat's setting. 

Additionally, you may make QR codes for every family member, granting them access to just the systems and gadgets they actually need.

Read more: Warning about French Electric Vehicle Charging QR Code Fraud

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes



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