Outdoor Gear Tracking with QR Codes: A Boise Startup

Jan 16, 2024 - Views: 1026

Rating: 4.6 - 51Votes

Recreational and outdoor equipment can be pricey and have sentimental value attached to it. 

To provide owners piece of mind before embarking on outdoor excursions, a Boise business developed technology that makes it easier for users to return misplaced equipment to its rightful owners.

QR code decals are made by Karmik Outdoors and may be applied to a range of outdoor and recreational equipment. 

4 out of 5 outdoor lovers have misplaced outdoor gear, according to the business.

Robert Gillingham, the creator and owner of Karmik Outdoors, stated, "In the wild, we have had dozens of successful lost and found situations." 

"We have recouped hundreds of dollars in outdoor equipment purchases. We are rather pleased with it.

Lost and Found QR codes

Lost and Found QR codes

The decals, which are available in a range of sizes and shapes, may be applied to a wide range of items, such as Airpods, computers, phones, outdoor gear, power tools, and photographic equipment. 

Karmik Outdoors claims that the decals are 100% waterproof and resistant to chemicals, UV rays, as well as scratches.

Gillingham noted, "We wanted to make sure your ski could be buried in snow and the decal will work."

The code may be scanned and connected to a new account to configure the gear's technology. 

In the event that the equipment is misplaced and is discovered, the QR code may be scanned. 

After that, the finder's contact details will be forwarded to the owner and they will be alerted.

Read more: Indiana Startup Creates Indiana Pacers QR Code on Jerseys

Rating: 4.6 - 51Votes



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