QR Code Program to Add Businesses in Downtown GR is Gaining Results

Dec 09, 2024 - Views: 353

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes

An innovative approach to bringing businesses to West Michigan is producing results.

On a chilly, beautiful winter day, a crowd gathered outside to cut the red ribbon and formally welcome Greyson to downtown Grand Rapids.

"What a gift to our city, an early holiday Christmas gift, to have yet another opening in our community with such vibrancy," said Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington.

The business already has outlets in New York City and Denver, and it now has three in Michigan.

"We're a lifestyle brand that is really known for performance, luxury fabrics, and we've got collections for men, women, and kids," Greyson Vice President of Sales Chris Brancato said.

A new way to add businesses in West Michigan seeing success

A new way to add businesses in West Michigan seeing success

The business was looking for a new site, but some data and a creative approach may make this more of a reality. 

In September, FOX 17 reported on Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.'s QR code initiative. DGRI hung one of these codes inside the window that Greyson presently calls home.

"I'm just really excited to unveil what the team's been working on," Brancato said.

"This is a way for us to really have our voices heard," Grand Rapids Retail Retention Attraction Specialist Richard App said. "We've been able to take two of those QR codes down, and hopefully, we'll have another one coming down relatively quickly."

The QR codes will direct users to a survey that is available to everyone and contains seven questions. Visitors should understand that they may only take the survey once.

Read more: Be Careful of QR Code Phishing Scams in the Holiday Season

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes



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