QR Code Passes Bring the Casper Area Transit into the Digital Era

Nov 30, 2023 - Views: 1129

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

The more effective QR barcode card-based transit pass system will take the place of Casper Area Transit's token system, which is run by the City of Casper. 

At its meeting on November 11, the Casper City Council authorized the modification and the tokens' phase-out date.

According to Scott Dresher, Transit Manager, training for new passes may begin in a few weeks, and transit staff have already started receiving it.

Casper Area Transit is working to switch from tokens to QR barcode cards for transit passes in June 2023. 

As to a letter written for the council, the main objective of this modification is to improve record-keeping and expedite the bus-riding procedure for both passengers and transit employees.

Casper Area Transit enters the digital age with QR code passes

Casper Area Transit enters the digital age with QR code passes

Many people trade or sell tokens informally under the present system, which results in faulty record-keeping. 

This problem is intended to be addressed by the suggested switch to transit passes, which will also stop the existing reduced fare exploitation.

Transit agencies that give discounted rates to particular groups, such as the elderly and those with disabilities, are required by the Federal Transit Administration to make sure that only those who qualify receive these breaks.

At the moment, Casper Area Transit offers qualified customers a 50% discount and students a 25% discount. 

However, tokens have made eligibility verification more difficult because anybody may use them.

Read more: The New SlashNext Service Aims to Prevent QR Code Phishing

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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