DHS Introducing QR Codes To Seek Foster Parents

Jan 05, 2023 - Views: 812

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

After scanning the code, you will see the page with the recruiter's picture.

There is also all the information required to take the initial step in assisting DHS in caring for a kid that requires a home.

According to Linda Briggs, a recruiter for foster care, these QR codes will make it simple to get in touch with Oklahoma Human Services and begin the process.

DHS starts using QR codes

DHS starts using QR codes

The QR code includes details on the recruiter, a DHS webpage, and other useful information.

Support partners are located on one corner, where families may go and receive discounts if they are foster families.

Resource families, including foster-to-adopt families, foster parents, and kinship caregivers, are vital collaborators for professionals working in child welfare.

Therefore, there must be a variety of resource families to meet the needs of kids and teens in out-of-home care.

Briggs expects that in the future, QR codes will be present everywhere, such as on pizza boxes and on storefront displays.

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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