China Diner Astonished by US$60,000 Bill after Ordering via QR Code

Dec 13, 2023 - Views: 1182

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes

After unintentionally sharing the QR code for online meal ordering, a woman in China was taken aback to see a 430,000-yuan (US$60,000) bill at the restaurant. 

Others had also used the code to place similar orders.

The woman, whose last name is Wang, said that she was just interested in sharing pictures of the food from a hotpot restaurant that she and her buddy went to on November 23.

Chinese diner shocked by their bill after placing an order via a QR code

Chinese diner shocked by their bill after placing an order via a QR code

She did, however, unintentionally include a QR code for ordering and paying for meals that was affixed to the table.

Even though she just shared the pictures on her WeChat Moments page, which is private and visible to her acquaintances, several of those contacts started scanning the code.

Staff from the restaurant arrived to verify Wang's 430,000-yuan order and found that individuals had actually used the QR code she had accidentally shared.

Although Wang quickly removed her post, people continued to add more orders to her table.

She suspected that someone had downloaded her picture and kept using the code to place orders.

A screenshot of the order Wang later shared online shows that customers paid a few hundred yuan (a few US dollars) for 1,850 sections of fresh duck blood, 2,580 portions of squid, and 9,990 portions of shrimp paste.

Fortunately, the restaurant ignored all of Wang's new orders placed using the code and sent her to a new table without forcing her to pay the bill.

Read more: JUX Food Is Beta Testing a Digital QR Reader from Orca Scan

Rating: 4.7 - 50Votes



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