Black Friday Football on Amazon Starts with a QR Code Retail Renaissance

Dec 11, 2023 - Views: 981

Rating: 4.9 - 50Votes

You have undoubtedly received QR codes from regional and national retailers in the mail. 

With a quick scan from a smartphone, they promise to access exclusive promotions and bargains as well as include a wealth of information.

There were additional in-game purchasing opportunities during the NFL's "Black Friday" game, with QR codes displayed on screen during commercial breaks. 

Users were sent to the websites of the merchants or Amazon itself after scanning such codes.  

Amazon’s Black Friday Football Kicks Off QR Code Retail Renaissance

Amazon’s Black Friday Football Kicks Off QR Code Retail Renaissance

Couch surfing may take on new meaning if we refer to it as an embedded financing opportunity, and QR codes might start to be used interchangeably to refer to opening doors to bargains. 

In this case, Amazon's Exhibit A included a Nintendo Switch package that customers could get early in the game by scanning codes, while in a later quarter, Apple Watches were a mainstay. 

Customers were able to go to the Amazon website and see the exclusive offers that were promoted throughout the game by scanning the codes.

For retailers, QR codes provide an extra channel for reaching out to customers, regardless of whether they are connected to a multi-media experience or not, and whether or not they are on a platform such as Amazon's. 

They can link to customized offers that are specific to an individual or household and take into consideration their past purchasing behavior.  

Read more: Polytag & One Water Promote "Ethical Hydration" with QR Codes

Rating: 4.9 - 50Votes



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