Tools for Stakeholder Assistance Are Available with FSMA Programs

Dec 20, 2023 - Views: 796

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes

The Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (TPP) and the Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods Program (LAAF) are two programs under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Each offers a QR code and a graphic element to convey the status of participants and raise awareness of the programs.

Users may access each program's specific data dashboard by scanning the QR code. 

The FDA created the visual components so that interested parties might express their involvement in the program(s). 

Also, the landing sites for the TPP and LAAF Programs provide user guidelines detailing how stakeholders may utilize the QR code and graphic element.

Two FSMA Programs Offer Tools to Assist Stakeholders

Two FSMA Programs Offer Tools to Assist Stakeholders

The FDA recognizes "accreditation bodies" under the voluntary TPP program, and these entities are in charge of accrediting "third-party certification bodies."

Under TPP, foreign food facilities will receive certificates from the approved certification organizations after undergoing food safety audits.

Under specific conditions, LAAF creates a program for laboratory accreditation for food testing. 

The FDA will accept "accreditation bodies" under the LAAF program, and their job will be to accredit "LAAF-accredited laboratories" following the requirements set out in the regulation. 

Owners and consignees may occasionally be obliged to conduct food testing in a laboratory recognized by the LAAF.

Participants in any program are not compelled to use the visual components or QR codes.

Read more: MCS Introduces QR Code Functionality

Rating: 4.6 - 50Votes



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