Barcode Lookup Explained: Top 10 Free Websites & Mobile Apps

Oct 27, 2022 - Views: 4097

Rating: 4.7 - 52Votes

Barcodes can be found all around us. But how do you know the information that they hold?

The solution is to get a barcode lookup tool.

Many websites and smartphone apps have been developed to let you quickly search for any barcode due to the growing popularity of barcodes and technical advancements.

We will examine the top 5 websites and apps for a barcode lookup in this article. Check it out!

Best tools for a barcode lookup

Best tools for a barcode lookup

What Is A Barcode?

A barcode is a printed pattern of parallel lines with various widths and numbers that can be read by machines and is used to identify products.

So, in essence, a barcode is a method of encoding data in a visual pattern that a computer can decode. 

Different text characters are represented by the combination of black and white bars (elements), according to a predetermined algorithm for that specific barcode.

The barcode definition

The barcode definition

So what does a barcode include? 

Well, it includes some main parts, which are the quiet zones, start/stop character, the barcode data, and check digits.

  • Two quiet zones: empty areas that make it simpler for a scanner to read the code. For the best scanner reading, the quiet zone needs to be at least 10 times longer than the thin bar, with a minimum, recommended length of 2.5mm

  • A start character and a stop character: signify the beginning and end of the code, based on the type of barcodes

  • The barcode data: The letters or numbers that come after the start character. All of the product's details are contained in these figures

  • Check digit: used to detect errors in identification numbers

Components of a barcode

Components of a barcode

Which Information Does A Barcode Contain?

The size, kind, and manufacturer of a product are all information that can be found in a barcode. 

That is the reason why an international organization has been set up to assign barcodes and there is a distinct barcode on every product in the world.

It does not, however, include price information, which is frequently kept in a database.

Product information on a barcode is matched with the product's stored pricing using point of sale (POS) software or equipment.

Information that a barcode holds

Information that a barcode holds

Why Should We Take A Barcode Lookup?

The packaging of a product could not provide all the information you need to know. 

For instance, it might not let you know the product's origin, manufacturer, level of durability, effectiveness in achieving its goals or cost in comparison to other retailers. 

However, you can still access a global database of details about millions of products sold globally, including their manufacturers, descriptions, images, and customer feedback.

The key is to enter a barcode into a barcode lookup website. 

To make it simple for you to find discounts and other special offers, some even display online shops that sell that same product.

Searching for a barcode is essential

Searching for a barcode is essential

Top Picks For Best Barcode Lookup Websites

Looking for a website that you can use to search for any barcode? 

Consider our recommended websites below!

Barcode lookup

With millions of records already in its database, Barcode Lookup is constantly adding to it. 

And to ensure you can discover it, as soon as the information for a new barcode enters their possession, they right away import it into their searchable database.

Barcode Lookup

Barcode Lookup

Over 5,000 retailers that Barcode Lookup works directly with provide them access to vast volumes of data and the most recent barcodes in their inventory management systems.

They have almost everything in their database, from widely used devices and groceries to obscure, less well-known goods.


You may get information about millions of products worldwide at Barcode Live by simply typing in the barcode number of the item: pictures, names, models, manufacturers, and product reviews.

They will provide you with the most helpful and understandable information about any product you're interested in using their vast database of barcodes and product data.

Also, you can get a lot of information from shops and e-commerce sites.

Barcode Live

Barcode Live

Product Data API

You can seek individual products using the UPC, EAN, Part Number, Brand, or Search Query using the Product Data API.

Complete product information and comparative price from websites throughout the internet are included in the results.

Therefore, you may check up on a specific product using a Part Number or UPC using the API. 

Additionally, you can retrieve several products while searching for products using a variety of identifiers.

Product Data API

Product Data API API

You can search through more than 5,179,322 items on the API site.

Notably, the API is absolutely free to use, just like the other websites on our list, so give it a shot!

The most common type of barcode supported by is EAN, a standardized barcode found on the majority of commercially produced items currently sold in retailers. 

This website allows you to search for EAN-8 and EAN-13. 

It is also possible to search by UPC, a kind of code that is put on retail goods packaging to help with item identification. API API

Textibility API

The Textibility API is an incredibly extensive API that can be used to generate images and documents from structured data as well as extract information from photos and documents in a variety of formats.

From PDFs, Barcodes, eBooks, SVGs, and Charts, the API can extract data easily.

In addition to doing barcode lookups, the API may also help decode barcodes, create barcodes, and create barcode labels for barcodes.

So why not use it instead of buying a barcode?

Textibility API

Textibility API

Top Picks For Best Barcode Lookup Apps

Are you seeking some of the top mobile barcode scanner apps?

Or have you ever found yourself in a position where you keep downloading apps but end up uninstalling them all since you weren't fortunate enough to find the one that perfectly matched your requirements?

See below for our top picks for the finest barcode lookup!

5 Best Barcode Lookup apps

5 Best Barcode Lookup apps


One of the top barcode scanner apps available is called Barcode.

This scanner is compatible with a large variety of barcodes, including EAN, ISBN, UPC, and others in addition to QR Codes.

Rather than accessing a code's content directly, the barcode app is made to communicate the information that is embedded in it when it has been scanned.

This barcode scanner app for iPhone and Android is free, however, it includes advertisements.

By spending $0.99, advertising can also be removed.

Bar-Code app

Bar-Code app


For all the product information in their enormous barcode database, Barcode Live is a free mobile application available for both Android and iOS smartphones.

This mobile app gives you immediate access to the system's millions of barcodes as well as all the product information, including images, names, models, manufacturers, average prices, in-depth features, and customer reviews.

Simply scan the barcode with your phone's camera to get precise results for the products you're looking for.

Barcode Live app

Barcode Live app


As the name suggests, this app is designated for a QR code that you may download for free on both Android and iPhone devices.

This program is most likely a 2-in-1 app, which serves as both a QR code generator and scanner.

You can create your own QR codes and alter the way it looks in general, as well.

It offers a variety of design options that are typically absent from other programs.

Your QR code will never expire thanks to the infinite scans offered by the QRTIGER QR code reader and creator app.




This program, which is a multi-barcode reader and is jam-packed with different functions, was created by SimpleAct Inc.

Along with barcode search, it offers other crucial features like sharing and preserving the codes you scanned and letting you customize the QR code experience.

This tool makes it simple and quick to create QR codes as well.

Nevertheless, it will cost you $1.99 and has a restricted scanning capability.

QuickMark app

QuickMark app

Kaspersky's QR Scanner

The QR Scanner from Kaspersky just reads QR codes, so it is not a multi-barcode reader. 

However, this scanner is exceptional and stands out on its own.

Despite the fact that this scanner only can read QR codes, it offers protection and will guard you against bad websites that contain risky QR code data links that could risk you to malware and viruses.

With its own browser, you can use this app to automatically show the information of your QR code on your smartphone's screen rather than pausing to select where to display them.

Kaspersky's QR Scanner

Kaspersky's QR Scanner

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Are there different kinds of barcodes?

Yes! Different barcode formats are used in various nations and areas. 

Many nations, including the United States, and the United Kingdom, etc, utilize barcodes known as Universal Product Codes (UPCs). 

Retailers employ a barcode format known as the International Article Number (EAN) in Europe and other parts of the world. 

Moreover, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique barcode format that is frequently used by books.

2. If a barcode is not found on a site, does that mean it isn't real?

No, not always. 

There are millions of barcodes and products listed in a website's database, but that doesn't mean they have information on every barcode ever used anywhere in the world.

Simply put, that means they don't have it yet if your search for a specific barcode doesn't show any results.

3. Can a barcode determine where a product was purchased?

Sadly, a product's barcode alone cannot always tell you where it was bought. Instead, we advise you to find the original product receipt.

Wrapping up

In all, the barcode has been more and more commonly used in our daily life. There are a lot of free websites and apps that allow you to do a barcode lookup. So make use of them and search for all the information you need about any product!

Rating: 4.7 - 52Votes


  1. Cody Phillips

    Cody Phillips

    Once again a fantabulous piece of content curated together with a precision to provide knowledge about barcode

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    1. Barcodelive

      Thank you

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  2. Rupesh Iyengar

    Rupesh Iyengar

    Can I know if a product is original by barcode?

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    1. Barcodelive

      Oftentimes the first three digits of the code aren't the same meaning that their country of origin is different

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