How to Celebrate International Women's Day: 5 Excellent Celebration Ideas

Feb 28, 2024 - Views: 1189

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes

Every year on March 8, the world celebrates International Women's Day (IWD), a day dedicated to honoring and supporting women's equality and rights.

People and businesses are paying tribute to this special day in a variety of inventive ways; don't know how to celebrate International Women's Day?

Here are some excellent celebration ideas that you may take into consideration!

How to celebrate Women's Day?

How to celebrate Women's Day?

Best International Women's Day Celebration Ideas

The following list of activities will help you, your group, and your neighborhood commemorate International Women's Day and forward the fight for gender parity this year. 

Donate to charity 

This March, consider making a donation to a local or international charity that supports women if you're looking for a way to help a cause that matters to you. 

Several remarkable organizations dedicated to advocating for women's rights and gender equality are:

  • AnitaB.Org

  • Dress for Success

  • Women for Women International

Women's Day celebration ideas

Women's Day celebration ideas

Attend a community event

Listening to other women's stories, experiences, and thoughts about the world we live in and how we can move ahead toward a more inclusive society is one of the finest ways to become active and make good change. 

There are a lot of online gatherings around the world in addition to in-person events in local communities. 

Show your support on social

The IWD organizers are urging businesses to participate in the campaign this year by encouraging employees to take a picture of themselves striking the IWD 2024 pose. 

Then, share their #InspireInclusion image, video, resources, presentation, or articles on social media using the hashtags #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion. 

This year's solidarity posture is as simple as using your hands to form a heart.

Celebrating International Women's Day on social media

Celebrating International Women's Day on social media

So, you can use hashtags while publishing on social media to participate in the conversation. 

Comment, like, share, talk about, and learn from women (and men) celebrating from all over the world.

Support women-owned businesses

Supporting companies run, managed, and owned by a woman or women.

This helps promote representative products and services, equitable economic empowerment, and a thriving economy as a whole. 

Express gratitude to the amazing women in your life

Simple as it sounds, but sometimes all it takes to raise someone and give them the motivation to keep going are a few simple words of love and support.

Tell a significant woman in your life—whether she's your mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, or friend—how wonderful they are with a text, phone call, or Facetime.

Give the best International Women's Day gifts

Give the best International Women's Day gifts

To make it more meaningful, you can give the best gifts for International Women's Day to make her feel so loved. 

Here is our compilation of the best Women's Day gifts with good deals to purchase:

Women's Day Celebration Ideas In Office

To help you get motivated, we've compiled a list of unique ways that businesses of all kinds may celebrate International Women's Day in 2024 by highlighting the accomplishments of women, bringing attention to discrimination, and working for equality. 

How to celebrate International Women's Day at work?

How to celebrate International Women's Day at work?

Watch a documentary about women’s rights

Big, difficult topics are now simplified and made easy to comprehend through documentaries.

They are a useful place to start when dealing with an issue as vast and all-encompassing as global gender equality! 

Watch one or more of these movies:

  • I Am Greta (Hulu)

  • Saudi Women’s Driving School (HBO)

  • Period. End of Sentence. (Netflix)

  • Feminists: What Were They Thinking? (Netflix)

  • He Named Me Malala (Amazon Prime),...

Run a coffee morning

Include everyone in the discussion and take a half hour or so to step away from your emails. 

Organize a coffee morning where you may talk about historical feminist icons, favorite books on equality for women, or just get together to talk about gender parity and share your own experiences. 

To go along with the festivities, you may even send some treats, like cupcakes, beverages, or anything in between.

Women's Day celebration ideas in office

Women's Day celebration ideas in office

Highlight Women’s Day in the company newsletter

If your business or brand sends out newsletters to clients or employees, this is a fantastic method to let people know about International Women's Day.

You may include a section in which you emphasize the successes of cool-ass women, recommend worthwhile initiatives, discuss methods to assist local women, etc. 

Don’t forget to include inspirational quotes as well! Find out the suitable ones here:

Women's Day Celebration Ideas at School

If you are a teacher or working in educational organizations, consider these ways to celebrate International Women's Day.

Ideas for Women's Day celebration at school

Ideas for Women's Day celebration at school

Decorate your classroom

Create an environment where your students feel as though it's International Women's Day every day. 

Hang up pictures of powerful, intelligent, and courageous women from history, make a bulletin board with a theme, and oversee creative projects with an emphasis on women. 

Read and discuss books/poems by women writers

Make a lesson plan, activity, or reading assignment that is based on a poem or book written by a female author. 

This is a fantastic method for you and the young people in your life to learn together and create enduring relationships, whether you're a parent, teacher, cool aunt, or any other kind of trustworthy adult.

Uncertain about what to read? Take a look at some suggestions below

Give presentations about women/girls changing the world

Assist your students in coming up with ideas for a project or presentation on a girl or woman who inspires them.

Making Greta Thunberg-style protest signs? Presenting a newscast like Barbara Walters? Dressing up in a blazer and pearls like Kamala Harris?

There is no limit to what they can do!


Every year on March 8, International Women's Day has served as a global day of celebration and advocating for women's equality and rights for more than a century. We thus hope that our guide on "how to celebrate International Women's Day" will help you discover the most meaningful ways to express gratitude to women in your life or simply female coworkers.

Rating: 4.8 - 50Votes



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